Getting Started topic
Quickstart to Developing on OmniIndex
TLDR; Get familiar with creating flutter projects and including/importing a flutter package from
Setting up environment
Set up flutter, etc...
flutter doctor -v
flutter pub get --no-example
If you are building for android
flutter doctor --android-licenses
This is accomplished per platform / os
flutter build (platform / os)
Generating documentation
activate dartdoc for documentation
dart pub global activate dartdoc
Using dart:
dart run
Using flutter:
flutter pub get
dart doc .
Running tests
flutter test
- APICredentials OmniIndex Methods Getting Started
- APICredentials class object that represents a set of credentials for accessing a v1 API. Example Usage:
- AuthService OmniIndex Methods Getting Started
- AuthService
- BasicCredentials OmniIndex Methods Getting Started
- BasicCredentials class object that represents a set of base credentials for extending.
- OmniIndex OmniIndex Methods OmniIndex Service Getting Started
OmniIndex class object that manages communications
between a flutter based project and the omniindex
API server/services
class is a Dart class that provides functionality for working with the OmniIndex API. It allows for loading configuration, retrieving domain keys, authorizing the object, and making API calls. - PGBCCredentials OmniIndex Methods Getting Started
- PGBCCredentials class object that represents a set of credentials for accessing a v2 API.
- Provider OmniIndex Methods Getting Started
- Provider