Getting Started topic

Quickstart to Developing on OmniIndex

TLDR; Get familiar with creating flutter projects and including/importing a flutter package from

Setting up environment

Set up flutter, etc...

flutter doctor -v
flutter pub get --no-example

If you are building for android

flutter doctor --android-licenses


This is accomplished per platform / os

flutter build (platform / os)

Generating documentation

activate dartdoc for documentation

dart pub global activate dartdoc

Using dart:

dart run

Using flutter:

flutter pub get
dart doc .

Running tests

flutter test


APICredentials OmniIndex Methods OmniIndex Authorization Getting Started
APICredentials class object that represents a set of credentials for accessing a v1 API. Example Usage:
AuthService OmniIndex Methods OmniIndex Authorization Getting Started
BasicCredentials OmniIndex Methods OmniIndex Authorization Getting Started
BasicCredentials class object that represents a set of base credentials for extending.
OmniIndex OmniIndex Methods OmniIndex Authorization OmniIndex Service Getting Started
OmniIndex class object that manages communications between a flutter based project and the omniindex API server/services The OmniIndex class is a Dart class that provides functionality for working with the OmniIndex API. It allows for loading configuration, retrieving domain keys, authorizing the object, and making API calls.
PGBCCredentials OmniIndex Methods OmniIndex Authorization Getting Started
PGBCCredentials class object that represents a set of credentials for accessing a v2 API.
Provider OmniIndex Methods OmniIndex Authorization Getting Started